We hunt in some of the most renowned elk units in New Mexico. There is nothing more exhilarating than hunting elk in the peak of the rut, with archery gear. With 100% shot opportunity, and over 80% success rate, be prepared for multiple encounters with bugling bulls.
Fully outfitted and guided 1x1 hunt:
5 day- $6,500
7 day- $9,500
Rifle/ Muzzleloader
Our rifle and muzzleloader hunts take place post-rut. This hunt consists of glassing and spot and stalk tactics.
Fully outfitted and guided 1x1 hunt:
5 day- $6,500
Youth/ Mobility Impaired
SPGS caters to all hunters. Whether you are a youth hunter, or mobility-impaired, we have you covered. These hunts are either rifle or muzzleloader, and take place during the tail end of the rut. Depending on the year, tactics can range from calling bulls into close range, or spot and stalk.
Fully outfitted and guided 1x1 hunt:
5 day- $5,500